Question 16

In the reaction: aA+ bB —s cc + dD Kc = pcc pDd pBb PA = partial
 pressure of A in kPa = number of moles of A a O aid. net

Question 21

  • Dipole-induced dipole interaction

    Dipole- induced dipole attraction Isolated oxygen molecule
(nonpolar) (a) Induced dipole (oxygen molecule) (b) Permanent dipole
(water molecule) Copyright C' 2007 Pearson Ech»cation. Ire. publishing
as Pearson Addison-WesJey.

    Ion.dipoIe (Сен, 4) lon-induced dipole (СНзОН) н 00nd сан, 4
0ipoE-induced dOoIe Смото'отт (СНС9 ОфоЮ .t1ip01e сени Осипе (Свн,в)

Question 29

  • ΔH° = bond enthalpies for the bonds broken - bond enthalpies for the bonds formed

    reactant molecules separated atoms rxn product molecules

Question 34

The Ion Product Q is generally called the ion product. Q > K
 Precipitation should occur. Q = K The solution is just saturated. Q <
 K Precipitation cannot occur. Prentice-Hali General Chemistry:
 ChapterSlfkle 14 of 34

and K Qsp is called the ion-product expression for a slightly
 soluble ionic compound. For any slightly soluble compound MpXq, which
 consists of ions Mtl+ and V, When the solution is saturated, the
 system is at equilibrium, and Qsp = Ksp, the solubility product
 constant. The Ksp value of a salt indicates how far the dissolution
 proceeds at equilibrium (saturation). 19-9

Question 43

  • Intermediate should not be lower than products

    Transition State Reacta nts Transition State Intermediate Products
Reaction Progress

Question 49

  • Chromatography Experiment

    Simple chromatography beaker ink spot Sta rt water End

    Thin-Layer Chromatography: Component Mixture A Two- Less polar\!
More polar\! origin mixture • solvent front solvent front component B
component A origin solvent front component B component A origin
Increasing Development Time

    Rule of thumb: The component that travels the least distance on the
TLC plate is the most polar, since it binds to the silica most
tightly. The component that travels the is the least polar; it binds
to the silica least tightly and is most soluble in the non-polar
solvent (mobile phase), and hence moves up the plate with the solvent.
So just by looking at a TLC plate, you can tell which component is
more polar and which component is less polar. There is also a
quantitative parameter, termed as retention factor (Rf) that can be
calculated for every individual component and this value is very
commonly used in the 'world of chemical syntheses'. This value is
invariably reported in manuscripts so that people who replicate the
synthesis of a compound can verify that they too are getting the same
R f values for the same compounds.

Question 50

  • Electronic transition < Molecular vibration < Molecular rotation

    rotational energy level vibrational level electronic energy level =
electronic transition from Eo to E2 = electronic transition from Eo to
El vibrational transition rotational transition eo D c B Eo A
electronic excited state 2 A B electronic excited state 1 ground state


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